Sisters’ Hope Foundation has been working tirelessly for the past 3 years to support our ALSP community, raise awareness for this rare disease and find a cure for ALSP. We are continuing to grow and expand our reach and are excited to announce our “sister” company, dedicated to research and patients’ complex needs which requires partnering with our medical and scientific community. Cure ALSP will be led by Erin Sullivan. Erin has been working in this role as a volunteer since January and will now be leading the charge as the Program/Project Manager for Sisters’ Hope Foundation and Cure ALSP. In her newly expanded role, she will continue to provide patient support through our support group meetings while also working closely with our Global Medical & Scientific Advisory Council on critical issues.

Together we will accomplish our vision of a better quality of life and the first survivor of ALSP.

#sistershopefoundation #CureALSP #alsp #hdls #microglia #leukoencephalopathy #raredisease #csf1r